If you're working on the basis of about 2 hours revision a day that's 112 hours.
112 hours to prepare for 3 maybe 4 exams turns into roughly 35 hours per exam.
Does that motivate you to work?
Motivation is a multi-million pound industry. There are books, posters, workshops, online tutoring, tweets and more. But what motivates one person may not motivate another. Find out more on the BBC website here.
Here are a few ideas to help you motivate yourself or your friends:
Have a goal - Have a goal or target and think about it, alot. Not to the point of dispair, but remind yourself why you're doing all this work.
Consequences - Think about the consequences if you study hard and get the grades you deserve. Some cash from a parent? Tickets to a summer festival? That feeling you get when you open the envelope with your results in? Knowing you won't have to resit? It's usually better to think of the postive consequences but some of us are more motivated by thinking about what would happen if it all goes wrong.
Rewards - Similar to consequnces. Arrange a suitably motivating reward for yourself if you make it through all this revision time in one piece. Or, keep your favourite treats nearby for small and regular rewards for completing each revision task that you set yourself.
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Use the alarm function on your iphone |
.Motivational messages - Sounds cheesy, but write some positive quotes and notes to your self on Post-it notes and stick them around your work area and house. It's hard to ignore a note to self whilst sitting and watching morning TV.
You could even extend this to setting up reminders or named alarms on your mobile phone (see right).
Avoid distractions - MOVE AWAY FROM THE PHONE!
Put it in another room and put it on silent. Same goes for the laptop. Once you've made the effort to actually get on with some work you need to make sure there is nothing tempting you away. No checking of facebook updates or spending ages thinking of an amusing tweet to send!
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