Friday, 29 March 2013

Getting inside the examiner's head - Examiner Reports

Examiner Tip:
Read The Flippin Question
As frustrating as the OCR website can be at times, there are some useful documents on there if you can find them. An example is the Examiner Reports.

They help explain the subtle differences between correct and incorrect descriptions and explanations in answers.

For example, in the June 2012 F212 paper, the examiners reported that many students "failed to score because of the omission of key terms such as ‘optimum’ and ‘kinetic energy’. Stating that enzymes ‘work better’ is really not a suitable AS level response. "

They frequently note that "Centres are making use of previous mark schemes to inform candidates of the level of precision required in answers. Candidates need to realise, however, that they cannot use a ‘one answer fits all’ approach to questions. Care is taken in the phrasing of questions and it was evident in a number of cases this session that the context and approach of the question had not been appreciated and that a generic answer would not be applicable. Highlighting or underlining key words or phrases in the question can help provide focus for the answer."

The Examiners also advise that in the June 2012 paper only 42 out of 100 marks were allocated to recall of learning objectives. Almost half of the available marks test using knowledge in context. So it is really important that you don't just 'learn the textbook' and that you read other sources such as Biological Sciences Review, news articles and watch science programmes on TV.

Water - Liquid Awesome

Struggling to get your head around the biochemistry of water and its importance to life on Earth? Then watch these videos:

Year 12 Biology trip - ideas?

The muscle power of a bull is on display at Animal Inside Out

Last year we organised our first post-exam celebration Biology trip. About 15 of us jumped on the train and headed to the Animal Inside Out exhibition at the Natural History Museum.
It's something I'd like to do it again this year, so leave a comment below if you have any ideas (has to be Biology-related!).

Wednesday, 27 March 2013

Easter Revision

This is an important time to prepare for your Summer examinations.
It would be wise to fill in a calendar for the next few months with details of exam dates and other events so you get an overview of how much work you have to do and how relatively little time you have to do it in!
You can use Word to create a blank monthly calendar or go to

One of the best ways to prepare is to do lots and lots of past papers and do them more than once - first time using your notes and then again on a later date under exam conditions.

Sunday, 24 March 2013

Science on TV and Radio this week

Don't miss another science programme on TV and Radio - visit the weekly listings here:

(RSS Feed also on the right)

Access to student intranet outside of school

You should soon receive details of how to access your storage area and the school intranet from home. If you can't wait then just go to...

It will ask you a few questions the first time you log on (pretty much just agree to everything) and then you log in using your school username and password.

You should then be able to see the files you can normally see in the Science folder.

It's worth doing this before we break up for the holidays so that you can access all the lesson powerpoints and useful resources for your Easter revision.

Now that we have lost Kaleidos, this blog will be used to post messages etc to Year 12 and 13. If you have any ideas for how you would like us to develop this blog then please speak to Mrs Benton in S5.